In the Lab 1-1 Common Cold Concerns


The common cold is one of the most frequent health problems; more than one billion cases are reported each year. Although no remedy cures the runny nose or sore throat that accompany this illness, students can reduce their chances of catching a cold and feel better when they are sick. Dr. Larry Hopper is the head physician at your campus's health clinic. He has asked you to prepare a short Power Point presentation and handouts to educate students about how to thwart the common cold. He hands you the outline shown in Figure 1 and asks you to create the presentation shown in Figures 2.


 Figure 1


Instructions: Perform the following tasks.

1.      Create a new presentation using the Network design template (row 14, column 2).

2.      Using the typed notes illustrated in Figure 1, create the title slide shown in Figure 2 using your name in place of Larry Hopper. Italicize the title paragraph, Coping with the Common Cold and increase the font size to 60. Increase the font size of the first paragraph of the subtitle text, Presented by, to 36. Italicize your name.

3.      Using the typed notes in Figure 1, create the five text slides with bulleted lists shown in Figures 2.

4.      Click the Spelling button on the Standard toolbar. Correct any errors.

5.      Drag the scroll box to display Slide 1. Click the Slide Show button to start slide show view. Then, display each slide.

6.      Save the presentation to your PowerPoint/Project 1 Folder, using the file name, Lab 1-1 Common Cold Concerns.

7.      Close the presentation.



















Figure 2