Lesson 1: Elements of Tags


HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. HTML is the language that has historically been used to create documents on the web. It is plain text, but includes a variety of codes or "tags" that define the structure of the document, and allow documents to include headings, paragraphs, images, links, lists, tables, and other features.

HTML has undergone various revisions over the years. Some tags have become deprecated, or old-fashioned, when new versions of HTML are developed. The emerging trend in web development is to use XHTML. XHTML is a rewrite of HTML as an XML language (see the earlier lesson on Web Standards for a refresher on these definitions). XHTML is very similar to HTML, but has stricter rules.

The instructions in this lesson teach you HTML along with the XHTML nuances so you will learn coding conventions that make your code as flexible as possible.

Learner Outcomes

At the completion of this exercise:


  1. Look over the Common Tags sheet and carefully examine the common elements.
  2. Referring to the Common Tags sheet, record your responses on paper to the following questions:
    • Which tags do not need a separate tag for closing?
    • Which tag pair serves as a container for all the visible content of a web page?
    • Which tag is used to identify the main heading on a page?
    • Which tag can be either a container or non-container tag?

Resources/Online Documents

All done?

After you have recorded your responses to the above activity, show your instructor your response before starting Lesson 2.