Student Version
In this lesson you create two types of links that make web surfing even more convenient: a jump-to link and an email link. Jump-to links are typically used on very long pages that need links at the top of the page that allow the reader to "jump to" a certain section of the page without scrolling.
This is particularly useful for some users with disabilities, who need to bypass the navigational links on a page. For example, suppose a blind user is accessing a website with dozens of navigational links at the top of every page. Since this user is probably navigating using "screen reader" software, they have to listen to all of these navigational links before they get to the main content of the page. Since this happens on every page of the site, a same-page "skip to main content" link will allow these users to bypass the redundant navigation. These links can also help users who navigate by keyboard rather than mouse (for example, users with mobility impairments), since otherwise they would have to key through all the navigational links before getting to a link in the main body of the document.
In this lesson, you will add two jump-to links to your portfolio home page. One will allow users to skip past the nested list you've created as your site navigation. The other will be a link at the bottom of the document that allows users to quickly return to the top.
You will also add an email link, which if clicked opens a blank, pre-addressed email message for users whose browsers and email software support it. Up to this point your email address on your portfoio is just text. You will make your email address a live link.
At the completion of this exercise:
<a name="MainContent" />
The text within quotes can be anything - It's just an internal name for the computer to read, and isn't read by the user.
<p><a href="#MainContent">Skip to main content</a></p>
Note that the target of this link is the same as the name given the anchor in the previous step (in our example, that's "MainContent"). The only difference is that as a link, it must be preceded by the # symbol.
<a href=""></a>
Show your instructor your results before starting the next module.
Copyright © 2005-2008 by University of Washington. Permission is granted to use these materials in whole or in part for educational, noncommercial purposes provided the source is acknowledged. This product was created with support from the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research of the U.S. Department of Education (grant #H133D010306), and is maintained with support from the National Science Foundation (grant #CNS-054061S). The contents do not necessarily represent the policies of the U.S. federal government, and you should not assume their endorsement.