Lesson 1: Overview of Site Management Features


Few web pages exist in isolation. Most are part of larger websites, with complex webs of links between pages. Large organizations typically have web design teams - large groups of designers working on various components of a site simultaneously. Managing the design and maintenance of large websites can be organizationally challenging. However, web authoring software provides a variety of features that assist in this process. This lesson provides an overview of some of those features.

Learner Outcomes

At the completion of this exercise, you will be able to:

What can you do with site management features?

The following is a list of some of the common site management features available in web authoring software. Some software comes bundled with these features. Other software requires the installation of plug-ins or extensions, many of which are availalble for free from the vendor website. A few of the features listed below may not be available in all web authoring products.



The following examples assume you already have a website, but are wanting to setup that website so that the specified web authoring software program recognizes it. This step is necessary in order to use the software's site features on your site. Each of the programs mentioned below have seperate well-documented procedures for creating a website from scratch.


To set up your website using Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004, follow these steps:

  1. Using the menu, select Site > Manage Sites.
  2. Select the New... button, then select Site.
  3. This launches the Site Definition wizard, which walks you through the process of setting up your site.
  4. Now that your site has been defined within Dreamweaver, you can use a variety of Dreamweaver's site features, most of which are available within the Site menu.


To set up a website using Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003, follow these steps:

  1. Using the menu, select File > Open Site .
  2. In the Open Site dialog, browse to the folder where your website is stored.
  3. FrontPage will then notify you that it needs to add information to your folder in order to help manage your hyperlinks and other website content. This information is contained within in a folder named _private and two hidden folders named _vti_cnf and _vti_pvt.
  4. Once the site has been created, its settings can be modifed using the application menu by selecting Tool > Site Settings.
  5. Now that your site has been defined within FrontPage, you can use a variety of FrontPage's site features, many of which are located in the Tools menu.

All done?

Hand in your printed reports to your instructor.