Student Version
Now that you have successfully constructed the client website, you must check to be fully certain that the site is problem free before unveiling it to your client. This includes checking the site for broken links, bad HTML, browser incompatibilities, missing alt text, spelling errors, and similar issues that all fall under the heading of quality control.
To find and correct any problems with the website that might have been overlooked during the design process.
At the completion of this exercise, you will be able to:
Present printed copies of reports and validation tests to your instructor. Explain what changes you made based on the feedback you received.
Copyright © 2005-2008 by University of Washington. Permission is granted to use these materials in whole or in part for educational, noncommercial purposes provided the source is acknowledged. This product was created with support from the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research of the U.S. Department of Education (grant #H133D010306), and is maintained with support from the National Science Foundation (grant #CNS-054061S). The contents do not necessarily represent the policies of the U.S. federal government, and you should not assume their endorsement.