Lesson 3: Layer Basics


In this lesson, you will learn about how layers work and then experiment with adjusting the stacking order of layers in their project. You will also be shown how to duplicate layers and then adjust layers so that they are visible or hidden.

Learner Outcomes:

At the completion of this exercise, you will be able to:

  1. utilize layers to adjust the stacking order of objects
  2. adjust layers so that they are visible or hidden


  1. You will read Layer Basics, to develop an understanding of how the concept of layers works. Then, the instructor will demonstrate how to work with layers in the particular software product being used by the class. You will experiment with layers by creating a new layer in your button project, drawing an additional shape, and then manipulating the stacking order of the layers to change which layer is on top.
  2. The instructor will demonstrate how to duplicate a layer. You will then duplicate the text layer on your button containing the button's title. The instructor will demonstrate how to adjust the hide layers property in the graphics software program. Next, hide the text layer that contained the original title of the button and edit the text in the new layer to read "Page 1." Repeat this process until you have created text for "Page 2," "Page 3," and "Page 4."
  3. Experiment with using layers to create more complex designs for your button. Try adding multiple shapes or designs and then adjusting the stacking order of the layers to create the desired effect. Below are examples of the simple button we have been working on, and a more complex button that utilizes multiple images on different layers.

example Home ButtonSimple graphic button


example Home Button, decorated with a sun and mountainsButton utilizing multiple images and layers


All done?

Remember to save your project. You will finish the button project in the next lesson.